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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Change the Future!


Help Princess Oawlawolwaol make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


Hosting a house party is the party!  Talking over the table with family and friends, writing in blogs, magazines, personal web chats, sites and television is the only way we are going to win.  Am registered with the Federal Election Commission so all we need to do it talk this over "Princess for President," over breakfast, break room, lunch, munch, and dinner parties!  If we party together we will win together.  Your house is the key to partying White House style. 


Hosting a house party is an amazing idea.  Am invited to your party?  Then we will party together in the Republican Party.



You are able to become a  volunteer.  Will you please volunteer your time and make this decision universal.  Yes you; you are able to volunteer time to go to your local state voter election devision and register to vote.  Am in need of new voters to show their support for the primary election in 2016 and for the general election in November 2016. 


You are able to volunteer your vote.  "All the folks online volunteer your time."  Register to vote for the year 2016 election. 


You are able to volunteer your support broadcasting on the radio, television and online.  All sales and voices are given official permission to print and sell Princess Oawlawolwaol for President Commitee airway and retail.


Folks are always wondering what and how much to donate.  The given suggestion is $1.00, $2.00, or $3.00; that's all.  You are able to mail to :


Princess Oawlawolwaol

6636 Selma

Los Angeles, CA 94158

Join the Princess Oawlawolwaol Campaign

Princess Ol'Owl 6636 Selma

Los Angeles,

CA 94158






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