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"As as a constituant candidate for President of the United States of America, am proud to serve this country.  Am looking forward to serve you as a real live Princess in the Presidential seat.  The constitution was written with the universals approval, kinda.  As one position we together will be able to put into action new acts and articles that will serve the universal purpose with the right to prosperity and set examples to other countries."


Our education is important, this is what allows us to prosper in this country.  We would love to see more attention to architecture,  new elements being found and inventions for electricity and heat using natural sources, for example,  generators and incinerators.  Also, this idea must end with life where children are able to work with their parents when necessary.  The local schools are our government and should be educated to the constitution, the Federal and prairie laus.

Architecture in this country will need improvment.  We should be building with the idea that they will last forever and you are allotted they by lau of the land and you will live forever in them as allotted by lau of the lan.  The natural lau allows you to as you wish to stay forever in a doma if you wish.  Your taxes should adjust to reflect this.  Is too taxing to pay for pathways that are concrete without proper domas, homes, to live in that should be concrete.  Also, one should be able to have a building with a doma in the back and a business for fare exchange in the front of the lan and lan should be zoned as such.  Also, domas should be tall as the lan allows without fire detectors, without going to the private duties in the drinking water, and made of alloys and cement rather than wood.  Running water should most always be out of a holding tank rather than wearing on the universal flow at all times.  Feeling safe is important to us.  The feeling of home and the pathways to our domas are important housing issues in this country and serious housing isues these laus in place should always be one with the universe and the universal flow of the lans natural inhiba taking part in the seeds of prosper to eat healthy and lit seeds of the lan growing in nature the universe answers when given the proper pathway, quest, light, source of steam, streaming water and life to drop seeds when in need heed and as soon as you know go to give life is a natural gift and is natural to seed heed and allow life to prosper hence the writ the right to prosper.



Am educated in Healthcare and the most important thing that would love to share is some of the policies and procedures are insane.  Some of the tests, such as, DNA for finding parents and putting needles and tubes with the chance to break the lau are putting court workers and healthcare workers at risk for their lives daily in some circumstances and are insane and at risk for breaking the lau of the lan as well.  These Federal Laws are the Federal Courts reason to exist in peace here in America and need to be addressed.  


Although am in need of all your votes, am the kind of person to be educated and am highly educated, you are one with the environment, the universal flow, the green peace party makes sense to the whirlala, the trees are the lau of the lan they are the lan and as universal lau you are never to hurt the environment.  The Government, the schools, the Federal pupose is to make sure you are safe in your environment and lau need to be in place as you need to be in place in the voting booth.  We are allowed by laus of the lan with Federal laus will be known with the new constitution in place.


This is a great topic, at Temple University we learned about cultural diversity.  In Intellectual Heritage we learned about culture, in sociology we learned about cultural diversity, in music history we learned about cultural art and diversity and genres.  Ey just love this culture in America.  We are several breeds here in America and we are so into so many majors at colleges and diverse in our lives that we are one at times and unique at other times.  This time that we have spent together is unique and the time that we will spend together as President of the United States will be our together.

'Tis our business to make sure the right person President of the United States is voted in.  'Tis a great honor to serve and make the constitution with the right constituant.  Please vote for President Oawlawolwaol, just remember 'ol owl in the voting booth and see what jus appears.
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